State Machine

Learn about state machine, both from the programming and AWS Step Functions perspective.

State machines and AWS Step Functions

A state machine, also known as a finite state machine (FSM), is a computational model used in programming to manage the flow of an application or process. It comprises a finite number of states, transitions between those states, and actions triggered on entering, exiting, or residing in a state.

State machines are particularly useful in managing complex logic, such as:

  • UI development: Managing button states (enabled, disabled, or pressed) or screen navigation (login, main, or settings).

  • Game development: Controlling the behavior of game characters (idle, walking, running, or attacking).

  • Networking protocols: Handling the different stages of network connections and communication.

  • Hardware control systems: Controlling systems like traffic light controllers or vending machines.

AWS Step Functions utilizes state machines to manage workflows in a distributed application. This is accomplished using the Amazon States Language, a JSON or YAML–based language. Here's a quick simulation of a traffic light cycle:

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