

Build Tool Planning

Build Tool Planning

Understand the directory structure of the build tool and get an overview of the available games.

Suppose your team now wants to focus on the directory structure of your build tool and try to understand how it is to be architected. As an overview, you would have something along the lines of this drawn up on a whiteboard:

The repositories directory

Your first directory will be the one identified as repositories. Here, you will clone all of the repositories you need, as was mentioned in the previous lesson.

You should clone all the templates under a subdirectory called templates. When you release the template to the website, you will clone the website repository to copy it there. Hence, your directory structure, mutually decided upon with the team, would appear like this:

You should not clone all of these repositories manually. At this point, you will agree to create a command to setup the build tool. Your build tool is globally identified as nobot and will, therefore, have this command:

$ nobot setup
cloning repositories...

The src directory

The src directory will contain all of the source code related to your build tool. This is what you will have in this directory:

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