Scenario Leading to The Build Tool
Learn about the motivation behind the development of the build tool and get an overview of the code repositories that are used.
We'll cover the following...
Consider a scenario in which you are a developer who works for Nobot Game Studios and you make several new games regularly. The business has now decided that making multiple versions of the same game is a more viable alternative. The idea is that the team builds a game that can be configurable and re-skinnable, but retains the same mechanics.
The first meeting that takes place involves the various teams involved:
- Stakeholders and/or product owners —those responsible for the games and how they are delivered.
- Content editors —who will provide witty text content (title, subtitles, labels).
- Designers —the creative geniuses who will design the assets for your game.
- Developers —the poor souls who have to deal with all the game’s functionality and the many changes that are made to it.
- Quality Assurance —which will test and verify the initial game template and reskins.
After many disagreements, back and forth suggestions, and terrible jokes, you agree on the following flow:
The product owner, after doing some heavily-involved research, decides to create an original game called Rock Paper Scissors. Five different versions of this game will be created to display in the main game’s lobby. The product owner communicates the idea to the other teams and says that he/she will create a ticket for each of the games that contain all of the necessary content (obtained from the content editors and designers).
The game designers start by creating a design template that will speed up their real-world implementations. The game designers get to work on the implementations for all ...