

Moving to Production with Multi-Stage Builds

Moving to Production with Multi-Stage Builds

Learn about the motivation behind multi-stage build with an example.

Keeping Docker images small

When it comes to container images—big is bad! For example:

  • Bigger images are slower.
  • Bigger images have more potential vulnerabilities.
  • Bigger images create a larger attack surface.

For these reasons, container images should only contain the stuff needed to run the applications in production. This is where multi-stage builds come into play.

At a high level, multi-stage builds use a single Dockerfile with multiple FROM instructions—each FROM instruction represents a new build stage. This allows us to have a stage where we do the heavy lifting of building the app inside a large image with compilers and other build tools, but then we have another stage where we copy the compiled app into a slim image for production. The builder can even run different stages in parallel for faster builds.

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A multi-stage build with three stages
A multi-stage build with three stages

The figure above shows a high-level workflow:

  • Stage 1 builds an image with all the required build and compilation tools.
  • Stage 2 copies the app code into the image and builds it.
  • Stage 3 creates a small production-ready image containing only the compiled app and anything needed to run it.

Example of a multi-stage Docker build

Let’s look at an example!

We’ll work with the code in the multi-stage folder of the book’s GitHub repo. It’s a simple Go app with a client and server borrowed from the Docker samples buildme repo on GitHub. Don’t worry if you’re not a Go programmer; you don’t need to be. You only need to know that it compiles the client ...