HomeCoursesDocker Guide for Beginners


3h 45min

Docker Guide for Beginners
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In this course, you’ll learn about containers, creating images, containerizing applications, and effectively deploying Docker in real-world scenarios.
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Course Overview

Containers have revolutionized the IT world, making it difficult to know where to begin. This course will take you from basics to proficiency step by step. You’ll start by learning the basics of containers and how they work. Then, you’ll explore key concepts like images and the Docker engine. With the basics out of the way, you’ll learn how to containerize and run an application. After completing this course, you’ll be ready to use Docker in the real world.
Containers have revolutionized the IT world, making it difficult to know where to begin. This course will take you from basics t...Show More


Basic understanding of how images and containers work
Proficiency in Docker for building and managing containers
Hands-on experience containerizing applications for easy deployment
Understanding of microservices architecture basics
Knowledge of Docker’s role in DevOps
Basic understanding of how images and containers work

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Course Content


About the Course

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Docker’s role in cloud tech and gain practical course insights.


An Overview of Containers

5 Lessons

Explore the evolution from VMs to containers, emphasizing efficiency, portability, and cloud-native advancements.


Docker and Container-Related Standards and Projects

5 Lessons

Examine Docker’s role, technology, key standards, and pivotal container projects.


The Big Picture

8 Lessons

Explore Docker’s core concepts, from installation and image creation to container management and application deployment.



1 Lessons

Explore opportunities in Docker learning, community engagement, and continuous improvement through feedback.


Appendix: Getting Docker

5 Lessons

Learn to install Docker on diverse platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Certificate of Completion
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