Intended Audience and Prerequisites
Learn about how the course is structured, its prerequisites, and its target audience.
We'll cover the following...
In this course, we’ll discuss accessibility from a beginner’s perspective. However, to discuss various accessible coding techniques, some basic knowledge of web development is required.
This course is intended for developers of any skill level who have not yet taken a deep dive into the world of accessibility. Because this topic historically hasn’t been prioritized in web design and development, it’s entirely possible to be a talented senior engineer with many years of experience, and still be a beginner when it comes to accessibility.
There are a great many different ways to build content for the web these days. Thankfully, the basics of accessibility remain true regardless of which tool we use to create our websites or applications. This course is designed to be framework—and therefore tool agnostic. Developers should always do additional research when using a specific framework, tool, or library, to ensure they’re doing whatever is necessary to preserve accessibility.
To get the most from this course, the following knowledge is required:
The ability to read and write HTML.
The ability to read and write CSS.
Note: Knowledge of specific CSS libraries or preprocessors (such as SASS, Tailwind, etc.) isn’t required because this course uses vanilla CSS only.
Familiarity with basic web design and development terminology (for example, user agent, DOM, attribute, element, property, box model, etc.).
The ability to read and write beginner-level vanilla JavaScript (for example, defining functions, creating onclick actions, adding or removing classes from HTML elements, etc.).
Note: Knowledge of specific frameworks—such as React, Angular, Vue, etc.—isn’t required because this course isn’t framework-specific.