Converting API Response to MovieModel List
In this lesson, you'll learn to use the "MovieModel" object to build a "movies" list of movie entries returned from the API response.
We'll cover the following
Converting JSON to MovieModel object
You’ll convert the API response to MovieModel
objects before adding to the movies
//List of movies to hold data parsed from api response
List<MovieModel> movies = List<MovieModel>();
fetchMovies() async {
// Fetching data from server
var data = await MoviesProvider.getJson();
setState(() {
//Holding data from server in generic list results
List<dynamic> results = data['results'];
//Iterating over results list and converting to MovieModel
results.forEach((element) {
//adding MovieModel object to movies list
Displaying data
Now, data values can be accessed from the MovieModel
object using its properties.
For example, movies[index]["poster_path"]
can be accessed as movies[index].poster_path
, and so on.
Previous code to render items in list can be updated to Text(movies[index].title)
Old way to retrieve title:
class _MoviesListingState extends State<MoviesListing> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//Fetching movies as usual
return Scaffold(
body: ListView.builder(
itemCount: movies == null ? 0 : movies.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
//NEW CODE: New way to display title
//Title is being accessed as below rather `movies[index]["title"]`
child: Text(movies[index].title),
At this point, the response from API is rendered as a text blob on the main screen.
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