Modularizing Themes

In this lesson, you'll learn how to organize themes to avoid duplicating the same styling code.

Modularizing themes

It’s a good idea to create a separate class for the Global theme created in the previous lesson to keep styling and design separate from the interface building codebase.

We can pull out the Global theme in a separate MyAppThemes class, like below. Create a static method appThemeLight() to access the light theme from other interface classes. The static keyword makes it accessible from other classes using MyAppThemes.appThemeLight().

class MyAppThemes {
 static ThemeData appThemeLight() {
   return ThemeData(
     // Define the default brightness and colors for the overall app.
     brightness: Brightness.light,
     //appBar theme
     appBarTheme: AppBarTheme(
       //ApBar's color 
       color: Colors.white,

       //Theme for AppBar's icons
       iconTheme: IconThemeData(
     //Theme for app's icons
     iconTheme: IconThemeData(
       color: Colors.indigo.shade800,


The MaterialApp can access the light theme by calling MyAppThemes.appThemeLight(), like below:

 debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
 theme: MyAppThemes.appThemeLight(),
 home: Scaffold(
  //buildAppBarWidget() creates app bar widget
   appBar: buildAppBarWidget(),

   //buildBodyWidget() creates body for the app
   body: buildBodyWidget(),

Keeping themes in a separate class makes it easier to switch themes very quickly. It’s as easy as calling a different method.

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