
Getting a handle on the time and space complexity of algorithms and data-structures takes experience and effort. However, it is a must-have skill to master if writing software is your intended line of profession. Invariably, you will be pulled into discussions and reviews at work, and you will need to draw upon your knowledge of analyzing complexity to pick the right solution for the problem at hand. This course is an attempt to impart enough knowledge to the reader to help her with tough technical choices in everyday work, without requiring mathematical genius. Remember that in most real-life scenarios there's no perfect algorithm or data-structures, there are only tradeoffs.

Please feel free to reach out to me on linked-in or on here for feedback, errors, omissions or just about anything :)

With best wishes.

C. H. Afzal.
29th Nov, 2018

penned with ❤️at coffee shops across the bay-area, US of A.


Every great product is a result of team-effort and so is this course. Our team members include:

  • Sana Bilal (Content enhancement and development)

  • Ahsan Khalil (Illustrations and graphic design)

  • Educative's Proofreading Ninjas

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