Course Project

Learn about the architecture and business requirements of the Nuxt application we’ll build throughout the course.

To ensure practical learning, we will create a simple survey management application using Nuxt.

The survey application would be supported by a Node API server. This server would handle the storage and retrieval of the survey data from the database. Note, that the database logic could be done on the Nuxt Nitro server; however, setting up the database and connecting to a Node server is beyond the scope of this course.

A user story is a brief description of a software feature or functionality from the perspective of an end user or customer. It captures the user’s needs or goals without specifying technical details. The format typically includes the user, the feature, and the expected benefit. Generating user stories can help in understanding the business requirements for the application.

Here are the user stories that would help guide the scope of our project. The application would have three classes of users: the visitor, the administrator, and the survey taker.

The visitor

  • As visitors, we want to see a “home” page that shows an introduction to the application.
  • As visitors, we want to see a call-to-action (CTA) on the “home” page that enables the creation of a survey immediately.
  • As visitors with a survey ID, we want to see clearly where to place the ID in order to take part in a survey.
  • As visitors, we want to see an “About” page that shows details about the team behind the application and other necessary information.
  • As visitors, we want to be shown an error page when a path that doesn’t exist is entered.

The administrator

  • As administrators, we want to be able to create surveys in order to collect data from survey takers.
  • As administrators, we want to be able to customize the questions and response options for each survey created in order to receive the required data from the responses.
  • As administrators, we want to be able to view the responses for each survey in order to analyze and make informed decisions according to the data.

The survey taker

  • As survey takers, we want to be able to access the survey easily for us to provide our responses.
  • As survey takers, we want to be able to understand the questions and response options clearly so that we can provide accurate responses to the survey questions.
  • As survey takers, we want to be able to submit our responses easily and quickly so that we can finish the survey without any hassle.
  • As survey takers, we want to be notified if the presented survey ID is invalid.

Project architecture

To keep things simple, in this project, the NuxtJS server will connect with an external API to handle the management of survey data.

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The intended architecture of the survey application project
The intended architecture of the survey application project


By generating user stories, we can determine the business requirements for any project. These business requirements are then used in setting up a simple architecture.