Adding Items to a Cart

Learn how to add the functionality of adding items to the cart.

We'll cover the following...

How to add items to a cart

With these building blocks, it’s time to load up the cart. This is fundamental to any e-commerce system, so let’s get it right.

What are we trying to achieve?

  • We need to retrieve the current cart. If none exists, we need to create one.

  • If the item is already in the cart, we increment its quantity. If not, we add a new entry.

  • We need to save the updated cart.

To get this cart moving, we need to code the add/{itemId} operation that we called in the inventory table:

Mono<Rendering> home() {
@PostMapping("/add/{id}") // <1>
Mono<String> addToCart(@PathVariable String id) { // <2>
return this.cartRepository.findById("My Cart")
.defaultIfEmpty(new Cart("My Cart")) // <3>
.flatMap(cart -> cart.getCartItems().stream() // <4>
.filter(cartItem -> cartItem.getItem()
.map(cartItem -> {
return Mono.just(cart);
.orElseGet(() -> { // <5>
return this.itemRepository.findById(id)
.map(item -> new CartItem(item))
.map(cartItem -> {
return cart;
.flatMap(cart -> // <6>
.thenReturn("redirect:/"); // <7>
Adding an Item to the Cart

Wow! That’s a lot of code. Let’s explore ...