Adding Items to a Cart
Learn how to add the functionality of adding items to the cart.
We'll cover the following...
How to add items to a cart
With these building blocks, it’s time to load up the cart. This is fundamental to any e-commerce system, so let’s get it right.
What are we trying to achieve?
We need to retrieve the current cart. If none exists, we need to create one.
If the item is already in the cart, we increment its quantity. If not, we add a new entry.
We need to save the updated cart.
To get this cart moving, we need to code the add/{itemId}
operation that we called in the inventory table:
@GetMappingMono<Rendering> home() {...}@PostMapping("/add/{id}") // <1>Mono<String> addToCart(@PathVariable String id) { // <2>return this.cartRepository.findById("My Cart").defaultIfEmpty(new Cart("My Cart")) // <3>.flatMap(cart -> cart.getCartItems().stream() // <4>.filter(cartItem -> cartItem.getItem().getId().equals(id)).findAny().map(cartItem -> {cartItem.increment();return Mono.just(cart);}).orElseGet(() -> { // <5>return this.itemRepository.findById(id).map(item -> new CartItem(item)).map(cartItem -> {cart.getCartItems().add(cartItem);return cart;});})).flatMap(cart -> // <6>.thenReturn("redirect:/"); // <7>}
Adding an Item to the Cart
Wow! That’s a lot of code. Let’s explore ...