Home>Courses>Build E-Commerce Apps with Reactive Programming in Spring Boot



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Build E-Commerce Apps with Reactive Programming in Spring Boot

Gain insights into building e-commerce apps using Spring Boot and reactive programming. Learn about WebFlux, MongoDB, hypermedia APIs, RSockets, OpenID, and testing methodologies.
Gain insights into building e-commerce apps using Spring Boot and reactive programming. Learn about WebFlux, MongoDB, hypermedia APIs, RSockets, OpenID, and testing methodologies.


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This course includes

98 Lessons
69 Playgrounds
9 Quizzes
Course Overview
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn about the Spring Boot framework and build an e-commerce web application using reactive programming. You will find that some of the newest ideas in Spring Boot are applied to some well-seasoned favorite problems that Java developers have experience with. The course approaches these old problems with new concepts and more efficient tools. You’ll learn reactive programming, WebFlux, and the basic project structure of a Spring Boot application. Next, you’ll cover data access with...Show More
In this course, you will learn about the Spring Boot framework and build an e-commerce web application using reactive programmin...Show More

What You'll Learn

An understanding of the Spring Boot framework and reactive programming
A familiarity with web application development using Spring Boot
The ability to use reactive data stores with Spring Boot for data access
An understanding of developer tools for Spring Boot
Hands-on experience of testing application with Spring Boot
A working knowledge of building APIs, messaging, and RSockets with Spring Boot
Hands-on experience of securing a Spring Boot application
An understanding of the Spring Boot framework and reactive programming

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Course Content


Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with building scalable e-commerce apps using Spring Boot for practical application.


Developer Tools for Spring Boot

7 Lessons

Apply your skills to use Spring Boot Developer Tools for enhanced development and debugging.


Building APIs with Spring Boot

8 Lessons

Master the steps to building robust Spring Boot APIs, integrating hypermedia, and enhancing documentation.



1 Lessons

Find out about key Spring Boot concepts, API building, message handling, and application security.



3 Lessons

Solve problems in configuring database operations, RSocket server, and client setups with Spring Boot.

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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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