/Creating the Houses and Checkers URL Paths
Creating the Houses and Checkers URL Paths
Learn how to create and register uniform resource locators in Django.
We'll cover the following...
What are URLs?
Before we create URLs for our project, we must understand the difference between a URL and a URI. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which is a set of letters and numbers that we can use to identify a resource on a system. With a URI, we have a simple but extensible pattern of identifying resources on the web. The uniformity of the resource identifiers makes it possible for them to be used and reused in the same or different conditions, no matter the method and procedure employed in accessing the resources. Each resource is assumed to be identifiable by a unique identifier. URIs are used to identify web pages, images, electronic documents, and information sources with a consistent purpose.
However, while a URI identifies a resource, it does not guarantee or grant access to it.
Beyond identifying a resource, a URL also specifies where a resource is located and how we can access it. Therefore, within the URL, we will find all the necessary units to access a resource, such as the protocol, domain, and subdomain components, among others.
Accessing resources by clients can only be done by using the URL. A client will have to request a resource using the resource’s URL, and the server will attend to such a request by sending a representation of the resource. Therefore, the URL should provide a unique way of identifying a resource and the full path to the resource at any given moment.