Implement API to Rewrite Script for YouTube Video

Learn how to implement the API to rewrite the script of the YouTube video in the same language as the original video using randomness.

Before creating the API endpoint, let's make a script ready that will accept the transcript (either the original or the summarized one) of YouTube video and will return a rewritten piece of text. This rewritten piece of text can be used to write blog posts, create a video based on the new script (rewritten text), etc. since the original content is just taken as a reference and a new piece of content is generated.

Steps to follow

Let's discuss the steps that will be followed to implement the script.

  1. For simplicity, we will pass the transcript directly to our function that will rewrite the text. Since this feature should exist only when you either generated the transcript or summarized the transcript. While integrating with HTML page, we will make sure that rewrite action happens after either the transcript is generated or summarized.

  2. Use OpenAI and a suitable prompt to summarize the captions generated.

Use OpenAI and prompts to rewrite the transcript

Here, we are directly going to send a prompt with the transcript of the video to OpenAI. In our prompt, we will mention the task (rewrite) and extra parameters to keep the same language of the response as the audio language. We will use temperature to get more randomness in the output generated by OpenAI for the rewritten script.

Let's jump into the code now.

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