

Creating a NestJS Application

Creating a NestJS Application

Learn how to create a project with NestCLI and understand a NestJS project structure.

This lesson provides a comprehensive guide to kickstart a new NestJS project. It walks through the process of creating an application, exploring the fundamental structure, and understanding the key files and directories that NestJS CLI generates.

Creating our app

To create a new NestJS application using the CLI, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to create the app. If you need a new dedicated directory, you can use the following command with the desired directory name:

    mkdir <directory-name>
  2. Move to the newly created folder using the cd command:

    cd <directory-name>
  3. Execute the following code in the terminal to create a new NestJS application:

    nest new <project-name>
  4. Replace <project-name> with the desired name for your ...