

Overview of Pipes in NestJS

Overview of Pipes in NestJS

Learn how to use pipes in a NestJS application.

When developing our application, validating the data we receive from clients is crucial. Without proper validation, errors and inaccuracies can creep into our application. This section will explore how to utilize pipes in NestJS to validate or transform our data, ensuring our application runs smoothly and accurately.

What is a pipe in NestJS?

In NestJS, a pipe—as a class—can transform input data or validate it before it passes to a route handler. We can use pipes to implement common validation logic, such as checking for the presence of required fields, and transform incoming data into a format more suitable for the application.

Press + to interact
Input data to the pipe
1 / 6
Input data to the pipe

Example of transformation

In the books.controller.ts, inside the findOne method, we use the + operator to convert the id parameter into a number. However, a more structured approach involves using ParseIntPipe to manage this conversion scenario.

Before using ParseIntPipe: ...