Updating our Schema

Learn how to update a schema by using MongoDB with an endpoint.

Schema types and inputs

Our MongoDB database has three entities: Book, Author, and Review. Let’s consider the following schema:

Press + to interact
const types = gql`
type Book {
_id: String
title: String
price: Float
identifier: String
description: String
author: Author
reviews: [Review]
type SimpleBook {
_id: String
title: String
price: Float
identifier: String
description: String
type Author {
_id: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
type Review {
_id: String
bookId: String
rating: Int
comment: String

MongoDB schema

To access our database, we will need to define our schema as follows (they can be different from the GrapghQL ones):

Press + to interact
// Defining schema interface
interface BookSchema {
_id: Bson.ObjectId;
title: string;
price: number;
identifier: string;
description: string;
authorId: Bson.ObjectId;
reviewIds: Bson.ObjectId[];
interface AuthorSchema {
_id: Bson.ObjectId;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
interface ReviewSchema {
_id: Bson.ObjectId;
rating: number;
comment: string;
bookId: string;

In the schema definition given above, we try to use different approaches when handling the relationship between entities. It’s important to note the following:

  • authorId is a field in the book