HomeCoursesBuilding a GraphQL Endpoint with Deno


4h 45min

Building a GraphQL Endpoint with Deno
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Delve into building a GraphQL endpoint with Deno, compare technologies, configure queries, and integrate PostgresSQL and MongoDB databases to create a secure, high-performing application.
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Course Overview

Deno is a modern and secure runtime for JavaScript. It was created by the same team that created Node.js. Deno offers better performance, security, and simplicity than any other JavaScript runtime. In this course, you will start by understanding the different technologies used in Deno, such as Typescript. You will compare these technologies with JavaScript and GraphQL as well as learn their terminologies. Then, you will create your own endpoint with Deno and configure queries and mutations in it. Next, you...Show More
Deno is a modern and secure runtime for JavaScript. It was created by the same team that created Node.js. Deno offers better per...Show More


An understanding of Typescript and its use in Deno
An understanding of the GraphQL ecosystem
Hands-on experience querying PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases using Deno
The ability to create a GraphQL endpoint using Deno, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB
An understanding of Typescript and its use in Deno

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Course Content


Introduction to Deno, TypeScript, and GraphQL

7 Lessons

Step through Deno, TypeScript, JavaScript vs TypeScript, GraphQL basics, and GraphiQL playground.


Databases and Deno

3 Lessons

Examine the use of SQL for stability and NoSQL for flexibility in Deno applications.


SQL: Postgres and Deno

5 Lessons

Break down the steps to integrate PostgreSQL with Deno and implement GraphQL functionality.


NoSQL: Mongo and Deno

5 Lessons

Solve problems in integrating MongoDB with Deno, managing schemas, and implementing GraphQL endpoints.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Tackle building effective GraphQL APIs with Deno, Postgres, MongoDB, and Typescript.



5 Lessons

Master the steps to install Deno, Postgres, MongoDB, and utilize Docker with Deno.
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