

Project Creation: Part Three

Project Creation: Part Three

In this lesson, we will sample our text and generate some new text !

We'll cover the following...

Sampling the text

We already created our Markov model in the previous lesson. Now we need to sample the text and generate some new text based on this sampling.

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def sample_next(ctx,model,k):
ctx = ctx[-k:]
if model.get(ctx) is None:
return " "
possible_Chars = list(model[ctx].keys())
possible_values = list(model[ctx].values())
return np.random.choice(possible_Chars,p=possible_values)


  • The function, sample_next(ctx,model,k), accepts three parameters: the context, the model, and the value of K.

  • The context is nothing but the text that will be used to generate some ...