Setting Up Our Own Development Environment

Learn how to set up your own development environment for .NET MAUI.

Downloading the tools

To work with .NET MAUI on our own development machine, we'll need the following:

  • A suitable code editor or an integrated development environment (IDE).

  • .NET 6 SDK or newer.

The recommended IDE for MAUI is either Visual Studio if we're using Windows or Visual Studio for Mac if we're using Mac. Although MAUI applications can be built in Visual Studio Code and JetBrains Rider, at the time of writing this course, neither of these has sufficient tools to work with MAUI seamlessly. Therefore, we have to rely heavily on the command line if we are using either of these.

Visual Studio for Windows can be downloaded via this link.

Visual Studio for Mac can be downloaded via this link.

The latest .NET SDK can be downloaded via this link.

Enabling MAUI workload

Before we can start using MAUI project template, we'll need to enable MAUI workload. On Windows, we can do it via Visual Studio Installer by choosing the ".NET Multi-platform App UI development" option as the following image demonstrates.

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