Order and Group
Learn about ordering and grouping in Ecto.
SQL allows us to be specific about how our results are ordered. We can also group result rows, which comes in handy when getting counts in our results. The order by
and group by
expressions in SQL are available in Ecto via the order_by
and group_by
keywords. Let’s see how those work.
The order_by
If we wanted a list of all of the artists in alphabetical order, we could use order_by
, like this:
Press + to interact
q = from a in "artists", select: [a.name], order_by: a.nameRepo.all(q)
The order_by
expression returns the results in ascending order by default, but we can change this with the desc:
Press + to interact
q = from a in "artists", select: [a.name], order_by: [desc: a.name]Repo.all(q)
The order_by
expression with multiple columns
We can also order ...