HomeCoursesBuilding Database Applications in Elixir with Ecto



Building Database Applications in Elixir with Ecto
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Gain insights into building efficient database applications with Ecto in Elixir. Learn about repos, queries, schemas, changesets, and transactions, and master Ecto syntax to create robust applications.
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Course Overview

Ecto is a database library that ships natively with Phoenix, and is an important component of the Elixir ecosystem. This course is both an introduction and a comprehensive guide into the functionality of Ecto. You’ll start with the basic functions of relational databases—repos, queries, schemas, changesets, and transactions—to build your knowledge of Elixir and Ecto. You’ll apply these concepts on increasingly complex challenges to master Ecto’s syntax, and consequently build a sample application. You’ll t...Show More
Ecto is a database library that ships natively with Phoenix, and is an important component of the Elixir ecosystem. This course...Show More


Learn to connect your Elixir applications with relational databases using Ecto
Gain mastery over core modules of Ecto
Learn to speed up your test suite by writing concurrent tests
Learn the use of nested associations to handle complex table relationships
Learn to add streams to handle large result sets with ease
Learn to connect your Elixir applications with relational databases using Ecto

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Course Content


Introduction to This Course

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Ecto, a powerful library for simplifying Elixir database access.


Part I: Ecto Fundamentals

1 Lessons

Look at the fundamental features of Ecto, including schemas, queries, changesets, and transactions.


Part II: Ecto Applied

1 Lessons

Walk through advanced Ecto topics, including performance tuning, sandbox testing, and Phoenix integration.


Test with Sandboxes

6 Lessons

Take a closer look at sandboxed testing to enhance efficiency and concurrency in Elixir.


Work with Embedded Schemas

6 Lessons

Unpack the core of creating and managing embedded schemas for efficient data handling in Ecto.


Optimize IEx for Ecto

5 Lessons

Enhance your skills in optimizing IEx for Ecto through imports, aliases, and helper functions.


Use Schemas Without Tables

6 Lessons

Dig deeper into creating flexible, table-less schemas in Ecto for better data handling.


Tune for Performance

6 Lessons

Simplify complex topics in Ecto performance tuning, optimization techniques, bulk operations, and streaming large datasets.



1 Lessons

Approach the closing thoughts with feedback, engagement, and a collaborative learning mindset.
Certificate of Completion
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