View Code
Let’s take a look at the final steps of our application and learn how to code the view.
We'll cover the following...
Retrieve/List All
To show information about the authors of a book in the Retrieve/List All use case, the corresponding cell in the HTML table is filled with a list of the names of all authors with the help of the utility function util.createListFromMap
, shown in the code below:
pl.v.books.retrieveAndListAll = {setupUserInterface: function () {const tableBodyEl = document.querySelector("section#Book-R>table>tbody");tableBodyEl.innerHTML = ""; // drop old contentsfor (let key of Object.keys(Book.instances)) {const book = Book.instances[key];// create list of authors for this bookconst listEl = util.createListFromMap(book.authors, "name");const row = tableBodyEl.insertRow(-1);row.insertCell(-1).textContent = book.isbn;row.insertCell(-1).textContent = book.title;row.insertCell(-1).textContent = book.year;row.insertCell(-1).appendChild(listEl);// if the book has a publisher, show its namerow.insertCell(-1).textContent =book.publisher ? : "";}document.getElementById("Book-M").style.display = "none";document.getElementById("Book-R").style.display = "block";}};
The utility function util.createListFromMap
has the following code:
createListFromMap: function (m, displayProp) {var listEl = document.createElement("ul");util.fillListFromMap(listEl, m, displayProp);return listEl;},fillListFromMap: function (listEl, m, displayProp) {const keys = Object.keys(m);// delete old contentslistEl.innerHTML = "";// create list items from object property valuesfor (let key of keys) {let listItemEl = document.createElement("li");listItemEl.textContent = m[key][displayProp];listEl.appendChild(listItemEl);}}
To allow the selection of multiple authors to be associated with the currently edited book in the Create use case, a multiple selection list is populated with the instances of the associated object type. This multiple selection list (a select
element with multiple="multiple"
) is shown in the HTML code below:
<section id="Book-C" class="UI-Page"><h2>Public Library: Create a new book record</h2><form>...<div class="select-one"><label>Publisher: <select name="selectPublisher"></select></label></div><div class="select-many"><label>Authors:<select name="selectAuthors" multiple="multiple"></select></label></div>...</form></section>
The Create UI is set up when we populate the selection lists for the selection of the authors and the publisher. This is done with the help of a utility method ...