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Course Introduction
Essential Terminology
Edit Distance
What Is Edit Distance?
Calculating Minimum Edit Distance
Implementation of Wagner-Fischer Algorithm
Distance Calculations in NLTK
Distance Calculations in Fuzzy
Summary: Edit Distance
Quiz: Edit Distance
Basic Spellchecker
Norvig Spellchecker
Candidate Model
Language Model
Error Model
Selection Mechanism
Putting It All Together
Challenge: Improving Our Basic Spellchecker
Quiz: Basic Spellchecker
Modern Spell Check Methods
SymSpell: Symmetric Delete Spelling Correction
Machine Learning-Based Spellchecker
What Is a Transformer?
Transformer-Based Spell Check
Quiz: Modern Spellcheck
Part-of-Speech Tagging
What Is Part-of-Speech Tagging?
Hidden Markov Models
Part-of-Speech Tagging Using the Viterbi Algorithm
Challenge: Viterbi Forward Pass
Using NLTK Part-of-Speech Tagger
Quiz: Part-of-Speech Tagging
Basic Grammatical Error Checking
Part-of-Speech Tagging and Rule-Based Grammar Checking
Creating Rule-Based Grammar Objects
Challenge: Applying Part-of-Speech Tagging
Building a Basic Grammar Checker
Quiz: Basic Grammar Checker
Modern Grammar Error Correction Methods
Neural Machine Translation
Grammar Error Correction with Transformer (GECToR)
Quiz: Modern Grammar Correction Methods
Mini Project
Project: Simple Transformer
Auto-Tagging System for Content Categorization
Building Grammatical Error Correction Models with Python
Quiz: Basic Spellchecker
Quiz: Basic Spellchecker
Test your knowledge of building a spellchecker.
We'll cover the following...