Selection Mechanism

Understand what a selection mechanism is and where it fits into a spellchecker. Learn how to implement a language model.

What is a selection mechanism?

In a spellchecker, the selection mechanism refers to the process by which the most suitable correction is chosen from a list of candidate corrections for a misspelled word. This essentially is the final step in determining the correction that is presented to the user. In our spellchecker, this can be represented by argmax.

The specific selection mechanism a spellchecker employs can vary depending on the approach used. Here are a few common selection mechanisms as well as where they can be used:

  1. Probability-based selection: This approach involves calculating probabilities or scores for each candidate correction based on statistical language models or other linguistic features. The correction with the highest probability or score is selected as the most likely correction. Language models can consider factors such as word frequencies, n-gram probabilities, or contextual information to estimate the likelihood of a correction.

  2. Rule-based selection: In this approach, a set of predefined rules is used to determine the most appropriate correction. These rules are typically crafted based on linguistic knowledge, spelling patterns, or common error patterns. For example, rules might specify that a double letter should be corrected to a single letter, or that a verb should be corrected to its corresponding noun form. We will get more into rule-based selection methods during our grammar-checking unit.

  3. Ranking-based selection: This mechanism involves ranking the candidate corrections according to certain criteria and selecting the top-ranked correction. The ranking can be based on various factors, such as the similarity between the misspelled word and the candidate correction, the edit distance between them, the contextual relevance of the correction within the sentence or paragraph, or an ensemble between multiple approaches.

  4. Machine learning-based selection: This approach utilizes machine learning algorithms to learn from labeled data and make predictions about the most suitable correction for a misspelled word. Training data typically consists of pairs of misspelled words and their correct forms. Machine learning models can be trained to capture patterns, relationships, and contextual cues to make informed correction decisions. This is similar to the probability-based selection in some machine learning models and can present a percentage likelihood of correctness using algorithms like softmax.

The selection mechanism in a spellchecker aims to strike a balance between accuracy and efficiency, considering factors such as the quality of the correction, computational complexity, and user experience. Our spellchecker utilizes a statistical approach, where we will be utilizing the output of our candidate model, and selecting the candidate with the highest probability.


The selection mechanism is the final piece of our spellchecker; as such, we simply need to implement a function that can do the following:

  1. Find our list of valid candidates utilizing our error model.

  2. Find the probability of a word's usage for each valid candidate using our language model.

  3. Return the candidate with the highest probability.

Below we will implement the above pseudocode in a function called correction(word). You will need to rely on the function candidates(word) to select the best correction. This is also the "main" function of our spellchecker and once implemented, we have a fully working spellchecker!

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