Installation of Visual Studio, .NET, and SQL Server

Learn how to install Visual Studio, .NET, and SQL Server on your PC.

Setting up your PC

For the projects in this course, we use Visual Studio, .NET 7.0, and SQL Server.

All of the projects are built using Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition version 17.5.3 with the ASP.NET and Web Development workload. If you need to install Visual Studio, follow the directions in the “Installing Visual Studio Community Edition” section later in this lesson.

Tip: Although we are using Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, any edition of Visual Studio can be used to complete the projects in this course. Microsoft Visual Studio Code can also be used.

Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 7 requires .NET 7.0. To check the version of .NET that is running on your computer, open the Command Prompt and enter the following command:

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