Summary of Blazor WebAssembly

Let's summarize the concepts we learned in the “Introduction to Blazor WebAssembly” chapter.

We'll cover the following

Wrap up!

After completing this chapter, we should understand the benefits of using Blazor WebAssembly vs. other web development frameworks.

In this chapter, we introduced the Blazor framework. The Blazor framework is built on .NET Framework and allows developers to use C# on both the frontend and backend of a web app.

After that, we compared Blazor Server with Blazor WebAssembly. Blazor WebAssembly has many advantages over Blazor Server due to the fact that it runs on the browser while Blazor Server runs on the server. A Blazor WebAssembly web app can run offline and feels much more like a native application because all of the code is run directly on the browser. Finally, a Blazor WebAssembly app can be easily converted into a PWA.

In the last part of the chapter, we explained how to set up our computer.

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