Assemble the Admin Dashboard
Learn how to build an admin dashboard for a Phoenix application.
We'll cover the following...
Admin dashboard
At this point in the project, our CartTracker
is working from end to end. The Presence updates flow through our application and make their way to the admin dashboard. The final step in this chapter is to piece together the Presence state into a format that completes our requirements.
To make a visually appealing dashboard, we need to work with our CSS and HTML.
Press + to interact
sneakers_23_admin/lib/sneakers_23_web/templates/admin/dashboard/index.html.eex<div class="admin-container"><h1>Admin Dashboard</h1><div id="total-shoppers"><h2>Unique Shoppers</h2><div class="target"><div class="admin-item-list"><div class="admin-item-entry"><span id="shopper-count" class="admin-item-entry__number">—</span><span class="admin-item-entry__path">total</span></div></div></div></div><div id="shoppers-by-page"><h2>Shoppers By Page</h2><div class="target"></div></div><main><h2>Item Breakdown</h2><%= for product <- @products do %><div class="product-listing" data-product-id="<%= %>"><div class="product-listing__image-wrap" style="height: 350px;"><img src="<%= product.main_image_url %>" /></div><div class="product-listing__details"><h4 class="product-listing__detail-header"><%= %></h4><div>by <%= product.brand %></div><div><%= product.color %></div><div>$<%= product.price_usd %></div><%= if product.released do %><%= for item <- product.items do %><div><strong>Size <%= item.size %>:</strong><span class="admin-item-cart-count" id="admin-item-cart-count-<%= %>">0</span> in cart / <%= item.available_count %> available</div><% end %><% else %><h4 class="product-soon-<%= %>">Not released.</h4><% end %></div></div><% end %></main></div><script type="text/javascript">window.adminToken = "<%= @admin_token %>"</script>
To check that everything is set up correctly, let’s start our server with mix phx.server
and visit our webpage/admin. We will see a page that looks like the following image.
Shopper count
The ...