

Write Automated Acceptance Tests

Write Automated Acceptance Tests

Learn how to write automated acceptance tests.

We'll cover the following...

Product page tests

The Sneakers23 store has two main real-time components: live sneaker drops and stock-level updates. We will write acceptance tests for each feature to ensure our application works end-to-end.

We need to make a small change to our Inventory.Server module before writing our tests. The application uses a single Inventory.Server process that holds the current inventory and stock levels. Our Hound tests will execute in the same environment as our tests and will pull the inventory from the global inventory process. Currently, this process loads its state at startup, and we do not have a way to change the loaded inventory. We need to add a function—so add the following function to the bottom of the Inventory.Server module.

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# sneakers_23/lib/sneakers_23/inventory/server.ex
if Mix.env() == :test do
def handle_call({:test_set_inventory, inventory}, _from, _old) do
{:reply, {:ok, inventory}, inventory}

This code uses a compile-time ...