Data Serialization and Deserialization
Learn how to communicate using JSON in the server’s REST APIs. Learn serialization and deserialization of JSON data to and from Go data structures.
Most modern APIs communicate in JSON. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is the format of choice for HTTP1.1 API communication as of today. A few legacy APIs still work on XML, but as of the time of writing this course, JSON stands as the gold standard. This means that both incoming requests and outgoing responses will communicate their data using this format.
JSON is native to JavaScript, meaning that it is how objects are natively represented in the JavaScript world. However, that is not necessarily true when writing code in other languages. Typed languages, like Java and Go, will require us to create classes or structs to store structured data. This means we must deserialize incoming JSON data to a struct of our definition. Once we are done processing and want to respond, we must take the data stored in our data structures (structs, arrays, or base types) and ...