
In the Java ecosystem, it’s common to use plain old Java objects (POJOs) to represent data entities. These are simple classes that have fields, getters, and setters and are used to store and manipulate data. In the Go ecosystem, we can use interfaces to achieve the same goal. In this lesson, we’ll discuss how to design interfaces for data entities in Go.

Designing interfaces for data entities

When designing interfaces for data entities, we want to ensure that they are easy to use, maintain, and test. Let’s go through some key pointers to keep in mind.

Use structs to represent data entities

In Go, we use structs to represent data entities. Structs are similar to classes in other languages, and they can have fields, methods, and interfaces. When designing interfaces for data entities, we’ll typically define a struct that represents the data and then create an interface to interact with that struct.

Here’s an example of a struct that represents a user:

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