

Discussion: Misallocation

Discussion: Misallocation

Execute the code to understand the output and gain insights into pointer mismanagement.

Run the code

Now, it's time to execute the code and observe the output.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
  struct raw { int value; char string[32]; };
  FILE *outfile;
  struct raw *data;
  /* allocate and fill the structure */
  data = malloc( sizeof(struct raw) );
  data->value = 60;
  strcpy( data->string, "This is a string\n" );
  /* open a file and save the data */
  outfile = fopen("data.dat","w");
  if( outfile==NULL )

  fwrite(data, sizeof(data), 1, outfile);
  puts("File written");
  /* clean up */

C code for the given puzzle

Understanding the output

As we know now, the first line of the output is File written.

It’s true, the file was written. The question is, what was written? The ...