

Discussion: String Construction

Discussion: String Construction

Execute the code to understand the output and gain insights into string manipulation.

Run the code

Now, it's time to execute the code and observe the output.

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#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char filename[] = "update.txt";
char name[16];
int x;
/* initialize the name[] buffer with dots */
for( x=0; x<16; x++ )
name[x] = '.';
/* extract first part of the filename */
x = 0;
while( filename[x] != '.' ) {
name[x] = filename[x];
/* output result */
printf("Extracted name '%.16s' from '%s'\n", name, filename);

Understanding the output

The code extracts the first part of a filename, before the extension. But it fails:

Extracted name 'update..........' from 'update.txt'
Code output

String termination is crucial

This point is to drive home the importance of properly terminating strings you create. In the code, the ...