

Database Fixtures

Database Fixtures

Let’s learn how to implement and execute test suites with integration.

When we define the database configuration in a JSON file, we need a fixture that loads that same configuration. This is so we can connect to the database during our tests. Since we already have the function read_json_configuration in our management script, all we need to do is wrap it.

Update the conftest file

Update the common conftest file

This is a fixture that isn’t specific to the PostgreSQL repository, so we’ll introduce it in the following code.

Press + to interact
from manage import read_json_configuration
def app_configuration():
return read_json_configuration("testing")

As we can see in the code above, we hardcode the name of the configuration file for the sake of simplicity. Alternately, we can also create an environment variable with the application configuration in the management script and read it from there.

Update the
