HomeCoursesClean Architecture in Python


6h 35min

Clean Architecture in Python

Gain insights into clean architecture using Python. Delve into layered systems, design efficient applications, and integrate web components, error handling, and databases with test-driven development practices.
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Clean architecture is a software design methodology that separates the processes of an application into discrete steps instead of presenting them as “spaghetti code.” With the versatility of Python, software engineers can build performant, modular applications quickly using the Flask framework. This course will help you build better applications using the principles of clean architecture. You’ll start with an introduction to data flow in clean systems and learn about the advantages of layered architectures...Show More
Clean architecture is a software design methodology that separates the processes of an application into discrete steps instead o...Show More


Learn the importance and principles of clean architecture.
Design and build applications using the principle of layering functional components.
Understand external connectivity using the Flask Python framework.
Learn to integrate both structured and unstructured data with Postgres and MongoDB.
Learn the importance and principles of clean architecture.

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Programming Language

Clean Architecture



Get Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with clean architecture principles and their application in Python.


A Day in the Life of a Clean System

3 Lessons

Solve challenges with data flow, loose coupling, and testability in clean architecture.


Components of Clean Architecture

6 Lessons

Break apart the components of clean architecture to enhance software design, hierarchy, and communication.


A Simple Coding Example

8 Lessons

Find out about implementing clean architecture in Python with a room rental project.


Add a Web Application

3 Lessons

Take a closer look at building and testing HTTP endpoints in Flask for web applications.


Error Management

9 Lessons

Implement robust error management, request validation, structured responses, and filtering in Clean Architecture.


Integration with a Real External System Postgres

9 Lessons

Practice using PostgreSQL for repositories, enhancing decoupling, integration tests, and database orchestration.


Integration with a Real External System MongoDB

4 Lessons

Learn how to use MongoDB integration with Docker, configuration, and testing in clean architecture.


Run a Production-ready System

5 Lessons

Walk through setting up a production-ready web system with PostgreSQL, Docker, and Nginx.



1 Lessons

Go hands-on with setting up a Flask application, including configuration and resource links.
Certificate of Completion
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