More Advanced Coroutines

Learn how to return values in coroutines, and get an introduction to the yield from construction.

Before jumping into the new syntactic capabilities, we need to explore the last jump the coroutines took in terms of their added functionality, in order to bridge missing gaps.

So far, we have a better understanding of coroutines, and we can create simple ones to handle small tasks. We can say that these coroutines are, in fact, just more advanced generators (and that would be right, coroutines are just fancy generators), but, if we actually want to start supporting more complex scenarios, we usually have to go for a design that handles many coroutines concurrently, and that requires more features.

When handling many coroutines, we find new problems. As the control flow of our application becomes more complex, we want to pass values up and down the stack (as well as exceptions), be able to capture values from sub-coroutines we might call at any level, and finally, schedule multiple coroutines to run toward a common goal.

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