HomeCoursesClean Code in Python



Clean Code in Python
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Want to learn how to code cleanly? Discover Python basics to advanced topics like decorators, descriptors, and async programming. Get hands-on experience to confidently build skills and write maintainable code.
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Course Overview

Writing high quality code is one of the highly desirable traits of software engineers in the industry. This course is useful for anyone interested in creating scalable and maintainable software design in Python. It is assumed that the learner is already familiar with the principles of object-oriented software design and has experience writing code in Python. In this course, you’ll go through the content in an increasing order of complexity, starting from the basics of Python. The course covers some advanc...Show More
Writing high quality code is one of the highly desirable traits of software engineers in the industry. This course is useful for...Show More


An understanding of general software engineering principles to write maintainable code in Python
An understanding of SOLID principles for effective object-oriented design in Python
Hands-on experience with decorators for reusing code, separating responsibilities, and creating granular functions in Python
Familiarity with descriptors to improve code readability in Python
Hands-on experience with generators, iterators, and asynchronous programming in Python
Familiarity with unit testing and refactoring in Python
An understanding of general software engineering principles to write maintainable code in Python

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with writing clean, maintainable Python code focusing on essential principles and practices.



2 Lessons

Dig deeper into clean code principles, coding guidelines, and adaptable software design in Python.
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