POST Method

Learn about the post() AJAX method in jQuery along with an example.

post() method

post() is a jQuery AJAX method that loads data from a server with the help of an HTTP POST request.

The syntax for the post() method is shown below:, Data, Callback, Datatype)

The description of each parameter is:

  • URL - the specific server address to which the HTTP POST request is made, along with the requested resource/web page. Usually, this will be the URL of the server running your site.

  • Data - the information sent to the server via the request message body, usually in the form of key-value pairs.

  • Callback - the function executed after the successful completion of the POST request. The callback function receives two arguments, data and textStatus. data contains the response from the server in the specified DataType. textStatus contains the status of the POST request: success, etc.

  • DataType - the type of data expected from the server, such as JSON, text, HTML, XML, or others.

đź“ť Note: In the post() method, URL is a required parameter, but Callback, Data and DataType are optional parameters.

Example: Find the IP address of a website

Consider the example below. A web page takes a website URL from the user as input. Given the URL, the web page displays that URL’s IP address when the button “Find IP” is clicked. The IP address is fetched from a server with the help of a POST request. We do not want the entire web page to reload, so we use the AJAX methods in jQuery. And because we need to send data to the server, we use the AJAX post() method.

Step 1: Getting data from the server

First, request the data from the server using the post() method (lines 4-12). As discussed above, the post() method expects us to specify the URL, Data, DataType, and the Callback function.

  • The specific URL for the server is (line 4).
  • The Data here is the user-provided website URL, shown in the input box. We provide the data in JSON format with the text “website” as key and the URL as the value (line 5). For example:
     "website" : ""
  • The DataType of the expected response is JSON (line 12) with three fields id, website, and ip. Note that the field website is the one provided in the POST request.
  • The Callback function receives two arguments - the data object of type JSON and the statusText variable specifying the status of the POST request (line 6). We generate an alert in the callback function (lines 7-10), displaying the data object fields and the statusText message.

đź“ť Note: This example is for learning purposes only. The server returns a random IP address value for any given website.

Step 2: Adding data to the webpage

The next step is to display the requested data on the webpage. In the callback function, use the text() method to update the text of the div element (line 7). The div text now contains the IP extracted from the data.ip field.

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GET Method

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