

Project Challenge 6: Import Tasks in the To-Do List from a Server

Project Challenge 6: Import Tasks in the To-Do List from a Server

Import a list of tasks from a server with the help of an AJAX Get request and add the tasks at the end of the to-do list.

Problem statement

We have added a new “server” button on the webpage with the icon , and id set to import. In this challenge, the task is this:

  • When the user clicks on the “server” button element, import a list of tasks from an external server using a GET request.

  • Then, add the imported tasks one-by-one at the end of the to-do list on the webpage.

We will use the AJAX get() method in jQuery. The required parameters are:

  • The server URL to make the GET request is https://5f28559af5d27e001612eebf.mockapi.io/tasks/

  • The expected server response is of the data type “JSON.” The response object consists of two fields - id and tasks. tasks contains a list of tasks to be added to the to-do list. Check out the sample server response below.

       "id": 1,
       "tasks": [
        "complete assignment",
        "study on educative",
        "reply to emails"

Sample input

Click on the “server” button next to the “Add” button.

Sample output

The tasks are imported from the server and added to the to-do list.

Coding exercise

The problem is designed for your practice, so you are encouraged to solve it on your own. If you are completely stuck, refer to the solution review in the next lesson for guidance.

Challenge: Import tasks in the to-do list from a server