About Me

This lesson gives a brief introduction about the course and the author. x

We'll cover the following...

About Me #

My name is Alberto Montalesi and I’m from Italy. Right now I’m working in Vietnam as a Software Developer creating enterprise software.

I discovered my passion for programming in 2016, at the age of 24 after receiving a bachelor’s degree in law.

My path to becoming a self-taught software developer has not been easy, but it’s definitely something I would do again.

You can read my story on DevTo.

Writing the book “The Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript” that has helped other aspiring developers fills me with pride, as I know how hard it can be to find the motivation and resources to continue studying and improving your skills.

Apart from programming, my other passions include photography, traveling, and gaming.


Get in touch #

If you want to get in touch for any type of collaboration or discussion you can find me on: