

ES2017: String Padding, Object.entries(), and More

ES2017: String Padding, Object.entries(), and More

Let's discover the many new and interesting features that ES2017 brought.

ES2017 introduced many cool new features, which we’ll check out below.

String padding (.padStart() and .padEnd()) #

We can now add some padding to our strings, either at the end (.padEnd()) or at the beginning (.padStart()) of them.

Press + to interact
// " hello"
// "hello "

We specified that we want 6 as our padding, so then why in both cases did we only get 1 space? It happened because padStart and padEnd will go and fill the empty spaces. In our example “hello” is 5 letters, and our padding is 6, which leaves only 1 empty space.

Look at this example:

Press + to interact
// 10 - 2 = 8 empty spaces
// " hi"
// 10 - 6 = 4 empty spaces
// " welcome"


Right align with padStart #

We can use padStart if we want to right align something.

Press + to interact
const strings = ["short", "medium length", "very long string"];
const longestString = strings.sort(str => str.length).map(str => str.length)[strings.length -1];
strings.forEach(str => console.log(str.padStart(longestString)));
// very long string
// medium length
// short

First we grabbed the longest of our strings and measured its length. We then applied a padStart to all the strings based on the length of the longest so that we now have all of them perfectly aligned to the right.
