Demo Example for Path Object
This lesson shows a demo code sample that we are going to discuss in the upcoming lessons. The code basically displays files in a given directory.
We'll cover the following...
Instead of exploring the library piece by piece at the start, let’s see a demo example: displaying basic information about all the files in a given directory (recursively). This should give you a high-level overview of how the library looks like.
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#include <filesystem>#include <iomanip>#include <iostream>namespace fs = std::filesystem;void DisplayDirectoryTree(const fs::path& pathToScan, int level = 0) {for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(pathToScan)) {const auto filenameStr = entry.path().filename().string();if (entry.is_directory()) {std::cout << std::setw(level * 3) << "" << filenameStr << '\n';DisplayDirectoryTree(entry, level + 1);}else if (entry.is_regular_file()) {std::cout << std::setw(level * 3) << ""<< filenameStr<< ", size " << fs::file_size(entry) << " bytes\n";}elsestd::cout << std::setw(level * 3) << "" << " [?]" << filenameStr << '\n';}}int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {try {const fs::path pathToShow{ argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : fs::current_path() };std::cout << "listing files in the directory: "<< fs::absolute(pathToShow).string() << '\n';DisplayDirectoryTree(pathToShow);}catch (const fs::filesystem_error& err) {std::cerr << "filesystem error! " << err.what() << '\n';}catch (const std::exception& ex) {std::cerr << "general exception: " << ex.what() << '\n';}}
Sample Outputs
We can run this program on a temp path D:\testlist
and see the following output:
Running on Windows:
.\ListFiles.exe D:\testlist\
listing files in the directory: D:\testlist\
abc.txt, size 357 bytes
def.txt, size 430 bytes
ghi.txt, size 190 bytes
jkl.txt, size 162 bytes