New Algorithms Available in C++ 17

The lesson provides a brief overview of how C++17 has updated std::search and provided new searcher algorithms.

C++17 updated std::search algorithm in two ways:

  • You can now use execution policy to run the default version of the algorithm in a parallel way.
  • You can provide a Searcher object that handles the search.

In C++17 we have three searchers:

  • default_searcher - same as the version before C++17, usually meaning the naive approach. Operates on Forward Iterators.
  • boyer_moore_searcher - uses Boyer Moore Algorithm - the full version, with two rules: bad character rule and good suffix rule. Operates on Random Access Iterators.
  • boyer_moore_horspool_searcher - Simplified version of Boyer-Moore that uses only Bad Character Rule, but still has good average complexity. Operates on Random Access Iterators.

std::search with a searcher cannot be used along with execution policy.

So, folks! it’s time to use the searchers.

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