
Let's take a look at the different components of the filesystem library.

There are many classes encapsulating a specific aspect of the filesystem.

Class Description
path Represents a path.
filesystem_error Defines an exception object.
directory_entry Represents a directory entry.
directory_iterator Defines a directory iterator.
recursive_directory_iterator Defines a recursive directory iterator.
file_status Stores information about the file.
space_info Represents filesystem information.
file_type Indicates the type of a file.
perms Represents file access permissions.
perm_options Represents options for the function permissions
copy_options Represents options for the functions copy
directory_options Represents options for the functions directory_iterator
file_time_type Represents file time.

The various classes the filesystem

Manipulating the permissions of a file

The permissions for a file are represented by the class std::filesystem::perms. It is a BitmaskType and can, therefore, be manipulated by bitwise operations. The access permissions are based on POSIX.

The program from shows how you can read and manipulate the owner, group, and other (world) bits of a file.

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