Course Structure
Learn the course division and its prerequisites.
We'll cover the following...
What is this course about?
This course is about GraphQL, an API query language and a runtime for executing those queries with your existing data. GraphQL allows clients to ask for exactly what they need, making it easier to evolve APIs over time. It also enables powerful developer tools by providing a clear and intelligible description of the data in your API.
The course is divided into three parts:
Part 1
In the first part, we’ll cover topics ranging from GraphQL basics, building GraphQL schema, taking user input, adding flexibility, making a change with mutations, and going live with subscriptions.
Part 2
In the second part, we’ll cover topics ranging from resolution middleware, securing with authentication and authorization, and tuning resolution.
Part 3
In the third part, we’ll cover topics ranging from driving Phoenix actions with GraphQL, integrating with the front-end, and GraphQL types.
This course assumes that you have a basic understanding of the Elixir, PostgreSQL, and Absinthe packages.