Order History

Learn how to display the order history of items.

We'll cover the following...

Displaying order history

Our GraphQL schema is good to go at this point, so it’s all UI work from here. We now want to put together a page that shows the details of a specific menu item, its order history, and the statistics we compute. The controller action itself is nice and simple:

Press + to interact
use Absinthe.Phoenix.Controller,
schema: PlateSlateWeb.Schema,
action: [mode: :internal]
# «Rest of controller»
@graphql """
query ($id: ID!, $since: Date) {
menu_item(id: $id) @put {
order_history(since: $since) {
def show(conn, %{data: %{menu_item: nil}}) do
|> put_flash(:info, "Menu item not found")
|> redirect(to: "/admin/items")
def show(conn, %{data: %{menu_item: item}}) do
since = variables(conn)["since"] || "2018-01-01"
render(conn, "show.html", item: item, since: since)

One thing that’s different from before is that instead of including an @action directive on this particular GraphQL query, we set a configuration value and then use the Absinthe.Phoenix.Controller invocation. If all the GraphQL documents within a controller should use the mode :internal option, we can simply specify this on the use call. This way, we don’t have to ...