Use InputCity Component

Learn how to call an API using a dynamic value.

We’ll now pass the values into the onSubmitHandler, city, and onInputHandler props that we used in the InputCity component in the previous lesson.

Add the city prop

The city prop stores the city value given by the user. We’ll do this by using the useState hook. The snippet below demonstrates how to add the city prop.

const [inputCity, setInputCity] = useState("Seattle");


We chose Seattle as the initial state because we’ll show the weather information for “Seattle” on the app’s initial rendering. The search bar should also show “Seattle” as the input value.

Add the onInputHandler prop

The onInputHandler() function calls the inputHandler() function, which changes the value of the city. It does so using the setInputCity function as it’s shown above to update the state of the inputCity. Here’s how we do it:

//  Input element handler
const inputHandler = (e) => {


Add the onSubmitHandler prop

The onSubmitHandler function calls the onSubmit function, which updates our new state. We send this state in our API to call with the appropriate city name. We add another useState hook with cityName as the current state and setCityName as the state update function. The following snippet shows how to add the submitHandler function:

const [cityName, setCityName] = useState("Seattle");

//  Search button
const submitHandler = (e) => {


Here, e.preventDefault() prevents the page from refreshing upon value submission. We give Seattle as the initial state because our API takes Seattle as the default city to render the weather information.

Combining the code snippets above produces the following code widget:

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