MeldableHeap: A Randomized Meldable Heap

Learn the meldable heap and its operations.

Here, we describe the MeldableHeap, a priority Queue implementation in which the underlying structure is also a heap-ordered binary tree. However, unlike a BinaryHeap in which the underlying binary tree is completely defined by the number of elements, there are no restrictions on the shape of the binary tree that underlies a MeldableHeap; anything goes.

Operations in MeldableHeap

The add(x) and remove() operations in a MeldableHeap are implemented in terms of the merge(h1, h2) operation. This operation takes two heap nodes h1 and h2 and merges them, returning a heap node that is the root of a heap that contains all elements in the subtree rooted at h1 and all elements in the subtree rooted at h2.

The nice thing about a merge(h1, h2) operation is that it can be defined recursively. See the below figure:

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