Statistical Definitions

Learn about the statistical definitions related to sampling.

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Now, for some important statistical definitions related to sampling, let’s take another look at our 1,000 repeated/replicated virtual samples of size 𝑛𝑛= 25, 𝑛𝑛= 50, and 𝑛𝑛= 100.

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Comparing distributions of proportions of red for three different shovel sizes
Comparing distributions of proportions of red for three different shovel sizes

These types of distributions have a special name, which is sampling distributions. Their visualization displays the effect of sampling variation on the distribution of any point estimate, in this case, the sample proportion p^\hat{p}. Using these sampling distributions for a given sample size nn, we can make statements about what values we can typically expect.

For example, observe the centers of all three sampling distributions—they’re all roughly centered around 0.4 = 40%. Furthermore, observe that while we’re somewhat likely to observe sample proportions of red balls of 0.2 = 20% when using the shovel with 25 slots, we’ll almost never observe a proportion of 20% when using the shovel with 100 slots. Observe also the effect of sample size on the sampling variation. As the sample size𝑛𝑛 ...