/Feature #6: Find Two Sets of Consecutive Days
Feature #6: Find Two Sets of Consecutive Days
Implementing the "Find Two Sets of Consecutive Days" feature for our "Google Calendar" project.
We'll cover the following...
An enterprise partner has asked us to create a feature for them. They want us to find two sets of consecutive days to schedule board meetings. They are selecting members for two teams from a candidate pool. Selecting each team takes k hours. We want to schedule two sets of meetings, one for each team, of duration k
hours each. To ensure fairness, we want the selection committee meetings for a specific team to be done on consecutive days. This means that, once the interviews for a specific team start, there should be meetings every day until the interviews are over. The interviews for the second team cannot start on the last day of selections for the first team; they do not necessarily need to start the very next day, either. To best utilize everyone’s time, we want to fully utilize the mutually free hours on each day meetings are scheduled. We have already found the number of mutually free hours over a set of consecutive days for the members of the selection committee. Furthermore, we want each selection meeting to last as few days as possible. Your task is to find two sets of ...